art nouveau

[ɑ:t nu:ˈvəu]
  • 释义
  • (流行于十九世纪末的)新艺术;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Architecture form emerged in Art Nouveau is called " Modernism " in Spain.

    新艺术运动中出现的建筑形式,在西班牙被称为 “ 现代式”,而巴塞罗那则汇聚了 “ 现代式”建筑的主要作品.

  • 2、

    This design includes organic curves and a hint of Art Nouveau styling.


  • 3、

    Art Nouveau is the representative of the people of the Czech Alphonse. Mucha.

    新艺术派的代表人物是捷克人阿尔方斯. 穆哈.

  • 4、

    His sinuous and elastic line took part of its character from Art Nouveau calligraphy.


  • 5、

    They established " the Secession " ( stylistically allied with art nouveau ).

    他们建立起了 “ 分立派 ” ( 从艺术角度来讲,它属于新艺术 ).

  • 6、

    It is generally recognized that Riga has the finest collection of art nouveau buildings in Europe.


  • 7、

    Art Nouveau started in the end of nineteenth century and modernism design in the 1920's.


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